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semblance to a striped tulip. Of this genus there is one species that has been denominated the sensitive fucus, from its possessing the property of shrinking from the touch, and, indeed, from every thing warm : if brought near the fire, its edges begin to move and draw towards each other; but if, while in this state, the finger be brought near them, the edges again retire, and resume their primitive position. Placed on. a warm hand, all its parts appear convulsed, and it seems to writhe like an animal in excessive pain. This singular property can only arise from the peculiar structure of the leaf, which is compelled to yield to the repellent effluvia exuded from the hand. On many parts of our western coast sponges are frequently found, adhering occasionally to the solid rock, to large shells, and moveable stones: some of these sponges have projecting parts resembling leaves in a curling state; others appear as solid oblong balls, which, in their central parts, inclose a fishy embryo; and others, again, are full of large circular holes at the extremities of their tubercles, exhibiting, when taken from the water, a colour inclined to purple; but, on being exposed to the air, they soon acquire that of a common sponge. Beneath each of this kind a cavity has always been discovered, from which it appears to have been a receptacle for some body possessed of animal life; and it is not improbable that some species of the crab kind have found here a place to deposit their germs of future life.

Among the various substances which seem to unite the animal to the vegetable kingdom, the most remarkable is the sea nettle, so called from its affecting the hand in the same manner as the land nettle : these are generally called, by sailors and fishermen, sea-blubbers. They are of two kinds, those fixed to the rocks, and those that float in the water. The former kind is plentiful in almost all the pools

within the range of the tides. These vary in their colour, from the finest scarlet to the deepest purple, sprinkled over with beautiful yellow specks: they adhere so firmly to the rocks, that it is with difficulty they can be disengaged; and, in this state, they seem continually to wave their arms or feelers in search of food. This species furnishes many kinds; but the greatest variety is among those that float about. They swim in an oblique manner, contracting and expanding their extremities alternately, and promoting their rest or motion by their legs or feelers: their movements are very slow, and they fall a prey to every assailant.

The shades of evening now warn us to conclude our walk, and to bid adieu, for a few hours, to the interesting scenes of the ever-changing Ocean; but ere we return to partake the reviviscent beverage of China's leaf, let us open our friend Bernard's pretty little pocket volume of Poems, and read his


Addressed to some Friends going to the Sea-Side.

* *

I will not repine while remembrance can be
Still blest with the moments I've spent by the sea.
The ramble at morning, when morning first wakes,
And the SUN through the haze like a beacon-fire breaks;
Illumine to sea-ward the billows' white foam,
And tempting the loiterer ere breakfast to roam.
The stroll after breakfast, when all are got out;
The saunter, the lounge, and the looking about;
The search after shells, and the eye glancing bright,
If cornelian, or amber, should come in its sight.
Nor must I forget the last ramble at eve,
When the splendours of daylight are taking their leave;
When the Sun's setting beams, with a tremulous motion,
Are reflected far off on the bosom of Ocean.

This, this is the time, when I think I have found
The deepest delight from the scenery round:

There's a freshness in morning's enjoyments, but this
Brings with it a feeling of tenderer bliss.

I remember an evening, though years are gone by,
Since that evening was spent-to my heart and my eye
It is present, by memory's magical power,

And reflects back its light on this far distant hour—

'Twas an evening the loveliest that Summer had seen,
The sky was unclouded, the Ocean serene;

The Sun's setting beams, so resplendently bright,
On the billows were dancing like streamers of light.
So smoothing the sounds were, which faintly I heard,
They were sweeter than notes of the night-loving bird;
And so peaceful the prospect before me, it seemed
Like a scene of delight of which fancy had dreamed.
There's a pensive enjoyment the pen cannot paint;
There are feelings which own that all language is faint;
And such, on that eve, to my heart was made known,
As I mused by the murmuring billows alone.



Remarkable Days

In OCTOBER 1823.


REMIGIUS was born at Landen, where he so closely pursued his studies, that he was supposed to lead a monastic life. After the death of Bennadius, he was, on account of his exemplary piety and extraordinary learning, chosen bishop of Rheims. Having held his bishopric 74 years, he died at 96 years of age, A.D. 535.*

*5. 1821.-CLAUDIUS JOHN Rich died, æt. 35,

At Shiraz in Persia; author of the Memoirs of antient Babylon,' and late resident of the East India Company at Bagdad; to which station he was raised before the age of seventeen,in consequence of his great literary attainments and distinguished merits. He

was at Shiraz on his way to Bombay, when he was carried off by that fatal disease, the cholera morbus, the ravages of which, in that city, swept off, in the short space of five days, sixteen thousand persons. Such an affecting instance of extended mortality loudly calls for attention to the Divine admonitionThere be ye also ready; for in such an hour as ye think not, the Son of Man cometh.' Luke xii, v. 40.

Mr. Rich's untimely death will be the subject of most painful regret to many of his friends who remember his truly amiable character, together with his intense application and his ardent genius, by means of which he was enabled to make an almost unexampled proficiency in the Hebrew, Greek, Persic, Arabic, and. Turkish, as well as in several European languages. Independently of his extraordinary acquirements, thus prematurely lost to the world, his death will excite additional regret in the mind of the Christian, from his having engaged, in the most decided manner, to promote the circulation of the Scriptures through Persia, and other parts of the East: an ample acknowledgment of his valuable services is contained in the records of the British and Foreign Bible Society.


This virgin martyr suffered death under Dacianus, about the year 290, the most cruel torments being inflicted upon her. A great fair is held on this day at the village of St. Faith's, near Norwich, at which the gentry round about and from Norwich meet in gay attire.


Among the many illustrious characters with whom we have adorned our pages, we know not of any one. whom we have introduced with more satisfaction than this rare instance of honest industry and fidelity, The Jubilee was celebrated at Walmer in Kent, in commemoration of Coleman's having completed a service of 50 years on one farm, viz. Walmer Court.

In the morning, the whole of his implements were displayed hanging in front of the Drum Inn, as trophies in honour of the day. In the evening, a considerable number of respectable inhabitants of the place assembled at the Drum Tea-gardens, where John Coleman, supported by two of his sons under a canopy of laurel, preceded by a band of music, and flags flying, and followed by his fellow workmen, two and two, and accompanied by a large concourse of people, proceeded to the houses of the principal inhabitants of the place; and it was truly gratifying to witness the reception he met with from each of them. On the approach to each house, the band formed in the lawn in front, playing God save the King,' while the worthy old man was met by the head of each family at the door, and welcomed and congratulated on the respect shown to him by his neighbours on the occasion: on leaving each house three hearty cheers were given, and, on returning to the Drum, he was met by the landlord and conducted to his seat, overhung with boughs of laurel, at the upper end of a large booth, erected on purpose, capable of containing upwards of 300 people, where, from the liberal subscription of many of the principal inhabitants of the neighbourhood, he and his fellow workmen partook of an excellent supper, and nearly a butt of beer was distributed to those who chose to partake of it. On the chairman giving the health of John Coleman, a bright example of honestry, industry, and integrity, with three, it was received and drunk with universal applause, and a succession of toasts followed, viz. The King,''The Proprietor of Walmer Court,'-' Lord Liverpool, Lady Harvey and family,' &c. &c.: at intervals the band played several lively tunes, and the younger part of the company amused themselves with country dances, and in one of which John Coleman himself joined with one of his grand-daughters, with all the activity of a young man. This sur

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