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Question. How long were said prisoners kept in confinement before being shot?

Answer. From 10 a. m. on Friday till 10 p. m. on Saturday.

Question. At what time were you relieved of duty as provost-marshal? Answer. On the Sunday morning after the prisoners were killed.

Question. Did you ever hear Colonel Sigel speak of the killing? If so, did he speak in terms of approbation or disapprobation?

Answer. In terms of disapprobation, stating that he did not approve the manner of the killing or the time.

Question. Did he ever make any arrests on account of disobedience of orders in that matter?

Answer. He did not.


Captain Company F, Thirteenth Cavalry, Missouri State Militia.

Subscribed and sworn to before me this 14th day of September, 1862, at Waynesville, Mo. H. A. GALLUP,

Major, Third Missouri Cavalry.

[Sub-inclosure No. 7.]

Statement of Capt. James D. Walters.

Question (by Major GALLUP). State what if anything you know of the killing of prisoners by Colonel Sigel's orders.

Answer. About the 29th of August I returned from Rolla and learned from one of my corporals, Corporal George, that a gang of rebels had passed up west of this post and that two of them were prisoners here, one of whom had given himself up to him and the other to the stage driver. I knew nothing further of the matter and thought nothing of it. At about 9 p. m. soon after taps sounded Mr. McDonald awoke me and said that the pickets had fired five shots. I got up and dressed and in the course of the next five minutes heard two more shots fired and at the same time heard my first sergeant call on the company to fall out. After this I heard two more shots. I saw no movement of any other companies and started to Colonel Sigel's tent. On the way I saw Lieutenant Brown and asked him what was the matter. After a little hesitation he told me that he expected that the prisoners were being shot. While I was talking with Lieutenant Brown, Lieutenant Thomas passed me on his way to Colonel Sigel's tent. He soon returned in a high state of excitement stating that he had gone to Colonel Sigel's tent to ascertain if it was true that those prisoners were being shot and to protest against it and that Colonel Sigel had ordered him to his tent. I could hardly believe that the prisoners had been shot till I searched the ground the next morning. One of the men was found about a mile from camp north in a thicket, buried with his head uncovered and his feet sticking out from under the sticks and rubbish with which an attempt had been made to cover him. I have searched the ground thoroughly in various directions but have never been able to discover the remains of the other man.

Question. Did you ever hear Colonel Sigel speak of the killing of those men; and if so did he speak in terms of approbation or otherwise?

Answer. I have never heard him mention it.

Question. Do you know of any charges against the prisoners other than that they belonged to the rebel army?

Answer. I do not.

JAMES D. WALTERS, Capt., Comdg. Compang G, Thirteenth Cav., Missouri State Militia

Subscribed and sworn to before me this 14th day of September, A. D. 1862, at Waynesville, Mo.

[blocks in formation]

Relative to the men you sent me who have been absent down South I think they are sincere; have been greatly deceived; are ignorant and hope we can induce them to remain at home and work for us, which I have some hope they will do when we give them correct instructions as to our and the Government's purposes. They seem to have great dread they are to be shot-from the examples that we have set. They say there are many who would return and be valuable friends if they can only have assurances they would not be injured in their persons.

Relative to that class of men who have been deceived and induced to leave their homes who did not commit robberies or other crimes against the Union men they should receive pardon upon the condition that they act in all things for the maintenance of the Federal Government and the protection of their Union neighbors. Those who have stolen horses or committed other crimes should be held responsible.

I shall have to investigate the killing of those prisoners by Lieutenant Lacy. The more I hear of it the more aggravated the case seems. I hope you will counteract every impression that seems to indicate that we murder prisoners or indulge those who do. We may make a very favorable impression upon such men as those in question who have turned the other side and have returned to us for forgiveness and protection. In such cases let us use the opportunity. They report there are a large number in their fix who only want assurances they are not to be shot when they come in to do so and co-operate with you then and be useful. Take such precautionary steps with them as you think best, viz, put them under oaths and bonds requiring them to report at stated times, giving all the information they gather from time to time, &c.

I would be indulgent to Hubbs and Nimrod Gaines. Charles H. Smith has not been out-says he has lost a horse. I would suggest that you return his horse, as he says it is in your possession or rather that of one of your captains. These people are very ignorant and we must make much allowance for them where they seem honest. The wires have just told us we had won another glorious victory on the Potomac. We have whipped them in a grand battle in Maryland near Frederick. McClellan is doing the work.

Your friend and obedient servant,

J. M. GLOVER, Colonel, Commanding Division.

HDQRS. HOFFMAN'S BATT., DEPOT PRISONERS OF WAR, Near Sandusky, Ohio, September 18, 1862. Col. WILLIAM HOFFMAN, Commissary-General of Prisoners:

Many of the prisoners write me notes claiming they are entitled to exchange or parole under the cartel; others claiming to be loyal and desiring an investigation and others wishing to take oath. There are two or three cases of persons who claim they are Northern born, were obliged to join the Southern Army and deserted and gave themselves up and wish to take oath and even join our service. My particular object in writing is to call your attention to that class demanding an exchange or parole under the cartel. Do you want more information than the rolls you have? Shall I send you their statements of their cases? It appears to me great care should be exercised not to have appearance of bad faith on the part of our Government. Very respectfully, your obedient servant,

No. 40.


Major Hoffman's Battalion, Commanding.

Near Annapolis, Md., September 18, 1862.

II. Pursuant to instructions received from headquarters Eighth Army Corps, dated September 16, 1862, the following order is promulgated: The officers paroled are not exempt from taking care of the non-commissioned officers and privates and are bound to perform all police duties and anything that may be necessary to the welfare and comfort of the paroled troops. Their duties would violate no obligation required by their paroles. If any officer disobeys any order requiring the duties here mentioned he will be reported to these headquarters for dismission from the service.

By order of Lieut. Col. George Sangster, Forty-seventh New York State Militia, commanding paroled prisoners:

D. E. GREGORY, First Lieutenant and Adjutant.


No. 134.

Washington, September 19, 1862.

The prisoners of war except commissioned officers who were delivered to Lieutenant-Colonel Ludlow, aide de camp to Major-General Dix, at Aiken's Landing, James River, Va., on the 14th and 15th instant, are declared to be exchanged.

By order of the Secretary of War:



BALTIMORE, MD., September 19, 1862.

Hon. E. M. STANTON, Secretary of War:

We have about 10,000 prisoners surrendered at Harper's Ferry and ordered to Annapolis. These with what are there will make 20,000.



Washington, September 19, 1862.

Col. WILLIAM HOFFMAN, Detroit, Mich. :

Collect small parties of rebel prisoners at Cairo and send them to Vicksburg as convenient. Colonel Kinney's exchange is not complete until the commissioner is heard from.



Washington, September 19, 1862.

Col. P. KINNEY, Fifty-sixth Ohio Volunteers, Portsmouth, Ohio:
Your exchange is not complete until the commissioner is heard from.



Brig. Gen. L. THOMAS,

Washington, September 19, 1862.

Adjutant-General U. S. Army, Washington.

SIR: The Secretary of War directs that you proceed to Annapolis, Md., on duty connected with the camp of paroled prisoners and that you return to this city after completing the same.

I have the honor, &c.,

E. D. TOWNSEND, Assistant Adjutant-General.

DETROIT, MICH., September 19, 1862.

General THOMAS, Adjutant-General:

I desire to be informed what my duties are in carrying out the cartel for the exchange of prisoners. I have only a newspaper copy of the cartel.

W. HOFFMAN, Commissary-General of Prisoners.


Col. C. W. B. ALLISON,

Detroit, Mich., September 19, 1862.

Commanding Camp Chase, Columbus, Ohio.

COLONEL: Your letter of the 17th is received. I will give you in a day or two instructions in relation to the disposition of prisoners of the Confederate Army who may be received hereafter at Camp Chase. No account of the prisoners' fund at Camp Chase has yet been furnished to this office. Please forward an account for August immediately, and I must call your particular attention to paragraph 5 of circular of regulations for your guidance in the disbursement of the fund and the manner of accounting for it. All is done under your authority and you will be held accountable that it is properly done. In making up the account of the fund state each item of expenditure fully, so as to

show its character and avoid the necessity of explanations. The clerks in your office have addressed me a note asking for an increase of pay. They state that they have already received 40 cents per day extra, and as this is the highest extra pay allowed to soldiers nothing more can be paid them. Paragraph 6 of the regulations requires a tax to be imposed on the sutler. Has it been done at Camp Chase? Very respectfully, your obedient servant,


Colonel Third Infantry, Commissary-General of Prisoners.

His Excellency A. LINCOLN,

LOUISVILLE, KY., September 20, 1862.

President of the United States:

I learn that there are many citizens of this State in the military prison here and in the penitentiary at Jeffersonville. Many of them claim to be and are probably innocent. I ask that I may be permitted to appoint a commission of two men to release such as should be released and retain such as should be retained. I think this course would be right and add strength to our cause.


Governor of Kentucky.

ANNAPOLIS, MD., September 20, 1862.

Secretary of War, Washington, D. C.: Telegrams received. General White is here. The troops paroled at Harper's Ferry are three days' march distant from this point and it is desirable not to stop them. The Eighty-seventh Ohio, being a threemonths' regiment, will be sent to Columbus, Ohio, for discharge. This will leave about 8,000 of the Harper's Ferry prisoners. There are about 4,000 paroled prisoners in camp, making all told about 12,000 to be sent to Saint Paul. Columbus being out of the direct route, the troops will be sent to Camp Douglas, Chicago, where I sug gest arms and other supplies shall be furnished. The Harper's Ferry prisoners have no tents or camp equipage but have their supplies of clothing. The 4,000 paroled men will be organized into companies and regiments according to States as far as practicable, and paroled officers assigned to them, making four regiments. General Tyler is charged with the organization and movement of all the troops. General White will proceed with them. How far west do you desire General Tyler to accompany them? He being under orders to report to General Wright, it is necessary for me to proceed to the Monocacy. I shall await the arrival of the Harper's Ferry prisoners here. A copy of the articles of capitulation of Harper's Ferry will be sent by mail.

Maj. Gen. JOHN E. WOOL,



ANNAPOLIS, MD., September 20, 1862.

Commanding Eighth Army Corps, Baltimore, Md.

GENERAL: I am here by the direction of the Secretary of War to attend to the paroled prisoners of war and shall send those that arrived

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