Proceedings of Societies. SOCIETY FOR PROMOTING CHRISTIAN KNOWLEDGE. The following report of the Foreign Translation Committee for the year 1839 was read at the July meeting :"The Foreign Translation Committee, in presenting their annual report, have the pleasure of laying before the board a copy of the new translation of the liturgy into modern Greek, which has been completed at Athens, under the superintendence of the Rev. H. D. Leeves, and printed in London, at the expense of the society, under the care of a clergyman of the Church of England, who, from his intimate acquaintance with the language, was considered to be fully qualified for the task. The committee hope that this new version of the liturgy will be found not unworthy of the society, either in point of correctness and elegance of style, or in the appearance of the work. With reference to this translation of the liturgy, the committee think it due to the board to state, that as some apprehensions have been expressed by members of the society, lest this measure should be considered as an interference on their part with the affairs of the Greek Church, they have taken care to insert at the beginning of the work a notice to the following effect, that the translation has been made, not with the intention of introducing the use of our own liturgy into any foreign Church (ξένην Εκκλησίαν), but solely for the purpose of making known to all what are the rites, and ceremonies, and doctrines of the Church of England.' The committee trust that this notice will be sufficient to obviate any misapprehension of their intentions, and to explain the purposes of the society with regard to those foreign Churches among whom this translation may be circulated. The printing of the new Arabic version of the liturgy is in progress at Malta, under the care of the Rev. C. F. Schlienz. In the mean time, copies of the former translation (Pococke's), as completed and printed at Bishop's College, Calcutta, at the expense of the society, have been circulated in Syria and Egypt by the Rev. Dr. Mill, on his way homeward from India. In those countries they were very well received by the clergy of the oriental Churches generally, and it is hoped that they have contributed to promote a good understanding with them. Copies of this work are now in the hands of the society, and may be had for circulation by the members. The committee have the pleasure to annex to this report, an account of the proceedings of the Rev. C. F. Schlienz in Egypt, with reference to a new translation of the Bible into Arabic; and they are happy to state, that this important work has actually been commenced, and has been in progress since the beginning of the present year. The commencement has been made with the Old Testament, that portion of the Bible being in the worst condition in the existing translations. The different portions of the translation will be sent to England as they are finished, in order that they may be submitted to competent persons for examination before they are printed. The committee are daily expecting to receive the first portion of the Pentateuch, inasmuch as they were informed by Mr. Schlienz, in his last communication, that the book of Genesis was completed, and was only waiting for transcription, that a fair copy might be sent to the society. As the report of Mr. Schlienz enters so fully into the subject, and shews the importance of the undertaking in so strong a point of view, the committee think it unnecessary to enter into the details. The new French version of the holy Scriptures has been carried on with as much activity as the committee reasonably could expect under the peculiar circumstances of the case. The whole of the New Testament is now in type, having undergone the revision of the Paris committee, and also of this committee, with the exception of some of the later epistles. Of the Old Testament, the Pentateuch has been revised; an entire new version of the Psalms has been made; and some parts of the prophetical books have been revised. The quarto edition of the Bible, with the marginal references adapted to the French, is also in progress, and will be ready about the same time as the smaller edition. The committee regret to state, that the district committees of Guernsey and Jersey, to whom they had looked for co-operation throughout, have found this to be a work requiring so much time and labour, that they have felt themselves compelled, as committees, to give up their share in the revision. The committee, however, have some reason to hope that they shall be able, to a great extent, to supply this loss by the kind and valuable assistance afforded to them by individual clergymen in the islands. The committee have also undertaken a revised edition of the liturgy in French. This is already in a forward state; the revision of the daily services, the occasional prayers, the collects, epistles, and gospels, being almost complete. It is expected, also, that the Psalms and the other Scripture portions will be ready by the time when they will be required in their places in the work. The committee have therefore great hopes that they shall be able to publish the New Testament and the liturgy before the end of the present year. It may be necessary to state, that this new edition of the liturgy is not intended for the use of the islands of Guernsey and Jersey, which have each of them a distinct edition of their own, but for the circulation of the society in France and the British colonies. The revision of the Old Testament in Spanish has been continued; and the Pentateuch and some other portions are in type. The committee are happy to state, that a satisfactory way has been opened to them for promoting the circulation of the New Testament, and also of the liturgy, in the interior of Spain. They have already availed themselves of the opportunity thus afforded, by ordering a thousand copies of each to be sent to that country. And as it is not to be expected, in the present state of Spain, that any great amount can be received in return, they have thought it right to send them upon such terms as will enable the parties to circulate them at little more than a nominal price. The liturgy of the Church of England seems to be peculiarly acceptable to those Spaniards who have been enabled to shake off from their own minds the superstitions which at present darken the Church of their country, without throwing aside (as unhappily is too often the case) their attachment to the true Catholic Church, or the belief of Christianity itself. The committee therefore look with increased satisfaction to this part of their operations: and though a beginning only has been made, they cannot but hope that this attempt to promote Christian knowledge in its purest form in Spain will continue to prosper in the hands of the society. The committee have had propositions submitted to them with regard to other versions, both of the Holy Scriptures and of the liturgy, but they are not at present in a condition to make a report to the board respecting them. The committee beg to state to the board, that in consequence of having lost some of their original members by death and resignation, they think it desirable that an addition should be made to their present number. They therefore venture to recommend that an application should be made by the board to his grace the president, in the first instance, that he would be pleased to nominate a few additional members of the society to be appointed members of this committee." On its being proposed that the above report be adopted, including the recommendation contained in the concluding paragraph, Mr. R. Clarke moved, by way of amendment with reference to this recommendation, "that it be referred to the standing committee, to consider the mode in which vacancies in the Foreign Translation Committee should be filled up." Mr. G. J. P. Smith seconded this. The amendment was negatived. The report, with the recommendation, was then adopted. THE CLERGY MUTUAL ASSURANCE SOCIETY. It is with great satisfaction we lay before our readers the report of the managing committee of this most valuable institution. The tenth annual meeting was held at the Queen Anne's Bounty Office, 25th June, when the Bp. of London (in the absence of the Abp. of Canterbury, prevented from attending in consequence of a domestic affliction) took the chair. The following report was read:— "The tenth year from the establishment of the Clergy Mutual Assurance Society being now concluded, and the annual accounts made up to the 31st May, the directors are gratified in being able to communicate to the early promoters of the institution, and the members of the society assembled at the general annual meeting, a satisfactory report of their proceedings in every branch; and in doing this, the directors eonsider it to be a point well worthy of observation, that from the first they have acted upon the principle of developing the designs of the society unobtrusively, and leaving them to be adopted by the clergy according to their deliberately formed opinion of their merits. Thus they have purposely abstained hitherto from using any means to press the society prematurely into notice. It is under these circumstances that the directors can now state not only that the society has met with success, but that such success is founded securely upon the approbation and full confidence of the clergy. The number of the members of the society has largely increased since the last annual meeting; and the amount assured upon life during the last year exceeds the aggregate amount assured in the three preceding years. In every part of England and Wales, and amongst all orders of the clergy, members of the society are now to be found. As a wide and free communication of matters interesting to the clergy can now be carried on by the general circulation of the Ecclesiastical Gazette,' and as the advantages of this society are now practically felt by many of the earlier assurers, there is every reason to expect an immediate and considerable extension of its business. Moreover, those who are members of the society will, no doubt, through attachment to it as an instrument of much professional usefulness, as well as from a sense of their own individual interests, be found zealous in recommending their relations as well as their personal friends amongst the clergy, to make assurances in it. The bonus, amounting to a return of one-fourth part, or thereabouts, of the total amount paid up to the 31st May, 1836, as the premiums upon life-assurances, and which was assigned during the last year in a proportionate reduction of such premiums, has given great encouragement to the directors, and satisfaction to the members; and at present there is every reason to expect, as there has been only one claim made upon the life-assurance fund during the last two years, that an equal amount at least may be assigned to assurers in the year 1841, and so on periodically at the end of every fifth year, when, according to the rules of the society, the total amount of profits realised is to be divided amongst assurers. The greatest possible advantage has arisen from the full and faithful information which the directors, in carrying on the affairs of the society, have uniformly received from clergymen upon reference being made to them. The sickness-branch of assurance attracted from the first peculiar attention. Many eminent personages amongst the laity as well as the clergy take a deep interest in the success of a measure whereby a clergyman is enabled, at a very small annual cost, to provide himself with a legal claim to an annuity, payable during the time of sickness, to replace the stipend which, when sick, he must otherwise lose if a curate, or, if an incumbent, pay to a clergyman officiating in his stead. The directors are particularly happy in stating that the fund formed by the joint premiums annually paid by assurers for an annuity during sickness, has been highly beneficial to several assurers, who have suffered under the visitation of long and severe sickness; and they may declare it to be their opinion, that in more than one case the sickness-fund has been the means of enabling clergymen to desist from the laborious duties of their profession in the early stage of illness, and thus tended, where delay might otherwise have aggravated the symptoms, to their speedy restoration to health. Temporary annuities, payable during the years of education, and for which annual premiums have been subscribed during the earliest infancy of children, are now becoming due, and a large sum has already been paid to parents who had the prudence to prepare, by an early sacrifice of a small portion of their incomes, for the outfit of their children upon their entering into the public business of life. These are the leading points which the directors are desirous of pressing upon the attention of the meeting, and they feel a conviction that the facts thus communicated will afford to the prelates, clergy, and many distinguished friends of the church amongst the laity, a gratification, which will be received by them as the most satisfactory recompense for the services rendered to the society in their valuable patronage and aid." Diocesan Intelligence: England and Ireland. DERRY AND RAPHOE. The bishop and clergy of the diocese have signed a protest against the establishment of a new theological college in Ireland, and requesting the members for the counties and places within the united dioceses to oppose any such measure. LONDON. London Metropolitan Churches' Fund.-On June 19, the third anniversary meeting of this society took place in their chambers, 67 Lincoln's Inn Fields, at two o'clock. Amongst the noblemen and gentlemen present were his Grace the Abp. of Canterbury, who was appointed chairman; the Bishops of London and Chichester; Lords Bexley, Cadogan, Teignmouth, Radstock, and Jermyn, &c. &c. The Rev. W. Dodsworth (the secretary) read the report, which stated that it was now three years since the association commenced its labours; and so active had its attention been to the great object under its care, that the whole of the fund which had been collected had either been expended upon the churches and chapels already completed and the others in progress, or is actually pledged for the commencement and completion of several others. It further stated, that when the Bp. of London commenced this plan in 1836, the calculation of expense made as to the number of churches wanted was 300,000l. The sum received, however, had not yet reached to half that amount; yet, notwithstanding this state of the finances, forty-one new churches either had been completed, or are in various states of forwardness; that this fund intended to supply the special fund now collecting for Bethnal Green districts with 10001. each, for the building of ten churches. The report stated:- During the past year the committee have been compelled to direct their attention to the subject of endowment. One of the rules agreed to at the formation of the fund is, "that increased accommodation of the poorer classes be regarded as a primary object." Hence it was also necessary to include the endowment as well as the erection of churches in the main object of the fund. But while the rules by which the committee were to be guided were drawn up with this in view, the hope was indulged, that when a church had been built in the poorer neighbourhoods, some endowment would be offered by parties locally or otherwise interested. This hope, with very small exceptions, has been disappointed, the whole sum towards endowments amounting to no more than 7361 Under these circumstances, the committee were compelled to consider of the application of some part of the fund to this object, being assured that the subscribers in general will feel with them, that the benefit contemplated by this great charity will be very imperfectly attained, unless along with the erection of the new churches the residence of their several clergymen be also secured. After mature consideration, therefore, the committee came to the following resolution:-"That the building committee be empowered to endow, or to assist in endowing, churches in poor districts, to such an amouut, not exceeding in any case 1,500l., as may qualify them to receive augmentations from Queen Anne's bounty, subject to confirmation by the general committee." It is intended in all cases to apply a part of this endowment in building or purchasing suitable parsonage-houses, a measure which the situation of the churches in some instances renders absolutely necessary, and which, in all instances, will contribute to the comfort and respectability of the clergyman, as well as to the efficiency of his ministry. In reference to the actual progress of the works under the direction of the committee, they have to re port, that of churches built exclusively from this fund, four have been completed and consecrated:-one in Globe Lane; one at Ratcliffe Cross; one in Arbour Square, Stepney; one in the Tenter Ground, Whitechapel. Three are just completed and ready for consecration:-one in Bunhill Row, St. Luke's; one in New North Road, Hoxton; one in Curtain Road, St. Leonard's, Shoreditch. One more will be ready for consecration within this year -one in Mile End New Town, Spitalfields. Total, eight built or in progress, the whole cost of which is defrayed from this fund. Of churches aided by the fund, five have been completed and consecrated:-one in St. Pancras; three in Islington; one in St. Bride's, Fleet Street. Two are nearly ready for consecration:-one in Lambeth; one in Tredegar Square, Stepney. Five are now in progress:one in Upper Chelsea; two in Rotherhithe; one in Peckham; one in Lambeth. Total, twelve; making twenty churches either completed or in progress. The The following churches, which were mentioned in the second report, have not yet been commenced :-one in St. Margaret's, Westminster; one in Lambeth; one in Camberwell; one in Paddington; one in East Smithfield; one in Shepherd's Walk, St. Leonard's, Shoreditch. committee have been compelled to abandon the hope of erecting a church in the south-western district of St. Pancras, no site having been procured by the parties who obtained the promise of aid from this fund on that condition. In addition to the above, the committee have during the last year pledged the fund to the cost of building, wholly or in part, fifteen churches in the following parishes:- -one on the site near the Charter House; one in St. Pancras (Lord Southampton's site); one in St. George's, Southwark; two in Hackney; ten in Bethnal Green. The whole account of churches, therefore, will stand thus:- Churches completed or in progress, 20; churches to which the fund was before pledged, 6; churches to which the fund has been pledged during the past year, 15. Total, 41. The amount of subscriptions up to the 1st June last is, 132,7281. 13s., 6d., shewing an increase during the last year of 5,6047. Os. 3d. The committee conclude their report by again expressing their earnest hope that the friends of the Church will supply the means of carrying on this great work. The resources of this fund are now exhausted, the money is all spent or pledged; so that, until fresh supplies are furnished, the committee cannot undertake to build a single additional church, nor will they be able even to occupy a site which is still at their disposal. These considerations, they trust, will amply justify their appeal to all whom God has blessed with temporal prosperity, to render back unto him of that which is his own. In inviting their fellowChristians to aid in this work, they cannot appeal to any but the highest motives, convinced that this is pre-eminently the cause of Him whose mission emphatically was "to seek and to save that which was lost:"it is scarcely needful to remind Christians at what sacrifice-" Ye know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though he was rich, yet for your sakes he became poor, that ye through his poverty might be rich." Spiritual Destitution of the Parish of Bethnal Green, London. An appeal has been made in behalf of the parish of Bethnal Green, with the knowledge and approval of the bishop of the diocese, which, it is hoped, will awaken the attention of the public to an extreme case of religious destitution. In our advertising columns of last month will be found a list of subscriptions which have been received; and we are confident that the statement which is subjoined will produce additional aid to the zealous exertions of the committee. "The parish of St. Matthew, Bethnal Green, containing a population of more than 70,000 souls, and forming a part of the vast metropolis of England, has been frequently brought under the notice of the public, and considerable efforts have, from time to time, been made to relieve an extent of poverty, destitution, and misery, which there exists, and forms a striking contrast with the wealth, magnificence, and luxury of other districts of the metropolis. At a late period Bethnal Green was a rural district, and contained the country houses of many wealthy merchants. Now it is inhabited by a large manufacturing population, many of them the descendants of those who, on the revocation of the edict of Nantes, left their country rather than abjure their Protestant faith; and many who have been driven from their habitations by late improvements in London. This growing population has been left without any adequate addition of churches, schools, or clergymen; and the parish has become the resort of persons who, from abject poverty or vicious habits, desire to live secluded from observation. It is scarcely possible to imagine an equal amount of population, in a Christian country, more destitute of the means of religious and moral instruction; and this too in the immediate vicinity of a city which has been abundantly supplied with churches by the piety and wisdom of our ancestors; and which owes no inconsiderable part of its wealth to the industry of the artisans and labourers who are congregated in the district of Bethnal Green. In the year 1828 a church was erected in Bethnal Green by the commissioners for building additional churches; and the London Episcopal Society for Promoting Christianity among the Jews has a chapel in the parish; but still there are only three churches, affording accommodation for scarcely 5,000 persons; and five clergymen, to maintain and diffuse the truths and precepts of our holy religion, as taught by the Church of England, in a population of 70,000 persons, who are wholly unable to provide places of public worship for themselves. The inhabitants are also nearly destitute of the means of instruction for their children. Some years since, a national school was built for them; and an appeal has lately been made for funds to build another school in connexion with the new church: but the great mass of these poor children will still be without instruction, although the happy effect produced by the national school on the habits and character of the population around it, holds out the best encouragement widely to extend the blessings of a Christian education. A great effort is now commenced to rescue this parish from its present unhappy state, and to shew the effect of an adequate number of churches, schools, and clergymen. To accomplish this, not fewer than ten additional districts must be formed and provided with the means of public worship, instruction, and pastoral superintendence. The poverty of the inhabitants renders it essential that some provision should be made for the support of the clergymen, for whom residences must also be provided; and the total expense of building and endowment cannot be estimated at less than 75,0007. It is hoped that a portion of this sum may be contributed by the commissioners, and also from the small amount that remains of the Metropolis Churches' Fund; and assistance in the building of the schools will no doubt be obtained from a parliamentary grant, as in a recent case in the neighbourhood: much, however, must remain to be done by individual benevolence. The object which is aimed at is of incalculable importance, not merely to the present, but to future generations; and should it happily be accomplished in a district now in a state of extreme religious destitution, the example will not fail to be followed in other populous parishes, and the best effect will result to the whole metropolis. The strongest encouragement is afforded to undertake this good work, in the happy consequences which, under God's blessing, have already resulted from building additional churches in the neighbouring parishes of Stepney and Limehouse, by means of the Metropolis Churches' Fund. The arrangements for the erection of schools has followed, as a matter of course, that of churches; and a spirit of Christian devotion and charity is awakened in those districts to an extent which could hardly have been anticipated in so short a period. WINCHESTER. Church-Extension in the Parish of Lambeth.-A meeting, which was numerously and most respectably attended, was lately held at the Horns tavern, Kennington, for the furtherance of this object. The platform was occupied by the right rev. the Bishop, Capt. Alsager, M.P., Mr. Kemble, M.P., the Rev. Dr. D'Oyley, the principal part of the resident clergy, and numerous influential gentlemen living in the parish. The bishop took the chair, in the absence of the Archbishop of Canterbury, who was unable to attend. The right rev. chairman said, that holding, as he did, the important situation of bishop of the diocese, he need scarcely say that he had a high concern for the interest of the parish, distinguished as it was for its population and wealth, and one which was likely to set an example which other districts would follow. During the present incumbency, four new churches had been established, and it was now proposed to add three more to that number. In every parish throughout the whole diocese there was the same subject for congratulation; for during the last ten years sixty-four additional churches had been built, and there were now thirty-two in progress; and when it was remembered that from the year 1700 to 1800 only one church was built, there was reason to believe that the people had at length awoke from their lethargy. But it was also to be borne in mind that, from the circumstance of the immense increase of population in the metropolitan districts (22 per cent in ten years), that there were a greater number of persons unprovided with church-accommodation than before; that whilst the population was increased annually by 9000, the church-sittings were only increased by 6000. There were also residing in the metropolis and its suburbs from 80,000 to 100,000 Roman Catholics, and upwards of 20,000 Jews. As a minister of the Gospel, he could not but hope that opportunity would be afforded of bringing these within the pale of the Church. He would also mention that it was by calculation probable that in the year 1841, when the next census would take place, that the population of the metropolis would amount to 1,600,000; whereas there were but 140,000 church-sittings. At a moderate calculation, they ought to be furnished for at least balf the number of the population. All these considerations shewed the necessity of further church-extension; and he called upon them to give their most zealous exertions for the furtherance of this object. The report was then read. It stated, that it was intended to build three new churches in that parish: one in Carlisle Street (which had that morning been consecrated); one in the district of St. Mark's, Kennington; and the other in that of St. John's, Waterloo: for each of these churches the commissioners for church-extension had advanced 1,000l.; and the metropolitan church-commissioners, 2,000l. A subscription had been raised to the amount of 1,300l., of which 7007. had been expended on the church that morning consecrated; and about 2,000l. would be required to meet the expense of the two others. A site for the church proposed to be built in the Kennington district had been very liberally offered them; and the other was about to be purchased. Capt. Alsager, M.P., moved, and Mr. Kemble, M.P., seconded, the adoption of the report, and dwelt in eloquent terms on the duty of the state to provide religious instruction for all; adding, that if the state unhappily neglected the obligation, it then became the duty of individuals. They also expressed their hope that each new church would be accompanied by a school. The Norwood Schools.-The Lord Bishop of Winchester preached on Sunday afternoon to the poor children at the large establishment, Westow-hill, Norwood. It was a most imposing sight to see so great a number of children (there are more than a thousand located at this place) listening with the greatest attention to the truly apostolical address delivered by his lordship. The prayers were read by the Rev. Joseph Brown, chaplain to the children; and the text selected by the bishop was Proverbs iv. 13: "Take fast hold of instruction; let her not go; keep her, for she is thy life." From these words his lordship most eloquently, and yet most plainly and affectionately, impressed upon the children, first, the earnest desire on the part of God for their spiritual welfare: this was shewn from the text, where it is said, “take fast hold of instruction; let her not go; keep her." His lordship then shewed, secondly, why the Almighty so earnestly impressed_this upon us-viz., that by nature we are indisposed to keep fast hold of instruction, and that from the temptations of the world and the devices of Satan, there was the greater necessity for it. In conclusion, from the last words of the text," she is thy life," his lordship forcibly pointed out the happiness they would derive in this world, and, through the merits of Christ, in another, from attending to the exhortation of king Solomon in the text, which his lordship recommended them all to commit to memory. The whole service was extremely interesting, the chanting of the children very effective, and their appearance very clean and healthy. It was a sight worthy the days of primitive Christianity to see this excellent prelate in his robes, kindly preaching to the poorest and youngest flock in his extensive diocese. The bishop expressed himself to the Rev. J. Brown, the chaplain, and to Dr. Kay, the poor-law commissioner (who gives incessant attention to these schools, and was present), in the highest terms of gratification at the manner and deep attention of the children, who, doubtless, will never forget the day. CHURCHES CONSECRATED. Ely.-Christ Church, Cambridge. London.-Islington, third new church, aided by Metropolis Fund, June 18. Christ Church, Hoxton, June 21. Oxford.-Faringdon, Berks, May 29. Castle Street chapel, formerly in connexion with Lady Huntingdon's. Winchester.-Carlisle Street, Lambeth. FOUNDATIONS LAID. Gloucester and Bristol.-Brimscomb. Tributes of respect have recently been presented to the following Clergymen : Birrell, A. P., par. Witney, Camb. Boulton, W., mast. Wem School, Bridgenorth. Cole, C., cong. St. Peter's Ep. Chapel, Peterhead. Curtois, P., par. Walpole, St. Peter's, Wisbech. Marshall, W., Bath. Meade, J., Eng. cong. at Boulogne. Parker, J., cong. St. Mary's, Preston, Lanc., 501. Spencer, Archdn. (bishop elect of Newfoundland), from black population of Bermuda. Stebbing, H., cong. of St. James's, Hampstead Road. CALCUTTA. COLONIAL CHURCH. The Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts has just issued a quarterly paper, containing an account of Bishop's College, with extracts from its correspondence, shewing the present state of the Church in our North American provinces. Of Bishop's College, the report gives the following statement as to its results. "Under all the disadvantages which the frequent vacan cies of the see have occasioned, and the weakening of its operation at times by the illness and consequent retire ment of some of its professors, the college has well answered hitherto, under the Divine blessing, the purposes for which it was erected. Within five years (the shortest possible period) from its first opening, the college was able to furnish to missionary labourers in the north and south of India that most desirable and otherwise unattaintable assistance, the aid of well-instructed and able catechists, born and bred in the country. Of these, after some years of probationary employment in that subordinate calling, the greater part became candidates for orders since the arrival of Bishop Wilson in India in 1882; and several, after due probation and ordination as deacons and priests, are now actively engaged as missionaries in the society's and other stations in various parts of India, having catechists from the college similarly placed under them. Some of these missionaries, who owe all to the instruction they received at the college, have under their care large and continually increasing congregations of Bengali converts, composed chiefly of agriculturists and fishermen, in tracts where but twelve years ago no native Christian was to be found. In these tracts (which are in the near vicinity of the college, southward from Calcutta towards the sea) the catechists are, during the vacations, often visited by their a late fellow-students; and both they and the missionaries are frequent visitors at the college for counsel and aid in points of their missionary duty, as well as for the material assistance of revised translations. Of the importance of this system for keeping alive a missionary spirit, in conjunction with that respect for order and unity with which it should ever be accompanied, no friend of the catholic principles of our Church need be reminded; while the great advantages of this method of co-operation and perpetual supply above the disjointed efforts, in which all depends on individual energy, and where the fruits of a laborious life are most frequently dispersed and lost, must be obvious to all. Nor is the difference unmarked by the intelligent heathen. Order and unity, as it has been remarked by Bishop Middleton, form the strength, the only strength of false religions; the apparent want of them, in the eyes of the heathens, is the capital weakness of the true. But this great scandal of our present Christianity is in a great measure removed, when they are able to contrast with the separated communions-in which the convert, rejected by one, may be taken up by another-a widely extended and compact system, in which every licensed act of one part is recognised of course in every other, the common centre of all being the bishop, without whose sanction no adult baptism can be performed, and who, either by personal or indirect inspection, superintends and directs all. Such is the apostolical method of diffusing Christianity in India, of which Bishop's College is the most important instrument. We need only remark, in addition, that though the class from which the first students were taken, and which still forms the majority of its members, was that of the fixed inhabitants of European or of Anglo-Indian descent, the progress has been steady towards the obtaining and securing aboriginal students. In its earlier years, it numbered among its members an able native youth from Ceylon, now among the Singalese chaplains of that island; and the very first of the educated Hindus of Calcutta who embraced Christianity, Mohesh Chunder Ghose, was in that same year (1832) admitted as a student. This excellent youth has been removed by the inscrutable providence of God, when his opening labours as a catechist among his countrymen gave the best promise of usefulness. But others remain (one of whom, a converted Brahman, is now an ordained preacher of the Gospel), and are still pursuing their studies in the college, upon a fund which the present Bishop of Calcutta has expressly set apart for that purpose. An address to the late principal, Dr. Mill, on his return to England, from those who had completed their course in college under his charge from 1824 to 1837, includes the names of six missionaries of the Bengal presidencies, four of that of Madras, two chaplains of Bengal and Ceylon respectively, together with seven catechists of both the northern and southern presidencies, and two schoolmasters. This is independent of the Brahman missionary before mentioned, whose name is at the head of a similar address from the native students." Extract from a Letter of the Bishop of Calcutta, dated "The moment is now a critical one, I really think, for the full prosperity of the college. You have been most successful in your choice of Mr. Malan. He is a delightful person, more than answering our warmest expectations, so far as we can at present judge; quick, energetic, a genius for acquiring Oriental languages, sound-minded, pious, of a sweet open temper, enthusiastic in love to India and the college. The applications from various parts of India concur, with the reputation of Professor Malan, to render it probable that the college may now take a new spring, and rise to its proper influence and efficiency. The loss of Dr. Mill is, indeed, in many respects irreparable. But this was not unexpected; and we must endeavour to train up our new professors to emulate his high attainments. Nothing shall be wanting on my part, as I need not assure the venerable society my heart is in the college. With God is all ultimate success; but it never was in the way to so much permanent good (take the whole state of the college into consideration), as since the arrival of Professor Malan. Then, the three bishops are now, for the first time (November), in their dioceses. I am in great hopes that all the missions will begin to pour in their students into the college." In a subsequent letter, dated January 4, 1839, the bishop says: "A new era commences from Dr. Mill's retirement and Professor Malan's succession as Oriental professor. India was never so likely to be prolific of students as now, when steam-boats are uniting it with the western world, and filling it with European colonists." The Rev. A. W. Street, B.A., of Pembroke College, and Craven scholar in the university of Oxford, has just been appointed a professor at Bishop's College, and is now preparing for his voyage out. Miscellaneous. Diocesan Boards of Education.-It is gratifying to perceive that monthly additions are made to the number of these excellent institutions. The limits of this Register entirely preclude the possibility of giving even a faint outline of the resolutions, much less of the speeches delivered at many of the public meetings. June 27, a most influential meeting of the clergy of the diocese of London was held at the house of the Society for the Promotion of Christian Knowledge, the bishop in the chair. Resolutions were proposed and seconded by Lord Radstock, Rev. Dr. Short, H. Pownall, Esq., Rev. J. Lonsdale, Mr. J. H. Markland, Major Wood, and Mr. Ackland. As it may be a useful document for the guidance of other similar institutions, it may be well to state that a paper was read by Rev. J. S. Boone, secretary, to the following purport : "London Diocesan Board of Education. "At a provisional meeting, convened by the Bishop of London, his lordship being in the chair, the following resolutions were proposed and carried : "I. That it is expedient to form a board of education for the diocese of London, under the presidency of the bishop. II. That the board consist of the president, and a certain number of vice-presidents, and other members, to be named by the president. III. That the following clergymen and laymen, having signified their consent to the president, be members of the board. (Here follows a long list of names of persons of much influence and standing in the country.) IV. That the board direct its attention to the following objects: "1. To form a medium of communication and mutual suggestions between the clergy and other persons of the diocese interested in the cause of religious and general education in accordance with the doctrines and discipline of the Church of England. 2. To collect and circulate information as to the state of education in the diocese, |