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American Mercury, The, April,


Anderson, Sherwood, Many Marriages.

Angell, Norman, The Great Illusion.

Asch, Sholom, The God of Vengeance.

Bakeless, John, The Origin of the Next War.

Barker, Granville, Waste.

Bennett, Arnold, The Pretty Lady.

Bourne, Randolph, The Puritan's Will to Power.

Bruno, Guido, Edna.

Cabell, James Branch, Jurgen. Carpenter, Edward, Intermediate Sex.

Chase, Stuart, Waste.

Colton, John, Shanghai Gesture.
Dreiser, Theodore, The Genius.
Eliot, George, Adam Bede.
Ellis, Havelock, Psychology of

Review, Feb., 1911;
March, 1912.

Foote, G. W., Illustrated Bible.

Frederic, Harold, Damnation of Theron Ware.

(CHAPTER X.-cont.)
Freud, Sigmund, Leonardo da

Garnett, The Breaking Point.
George, W. L., A Bed of Roses.
Gillette, The People's Corpora-

Hardy, Thomas, Jude the Ob-


Horrabin, J. F., Economic Ge-

Housman, Laurence, Bethlehem,
Pains and Penalties.
Huxley, Aldous, Leda.

Ibsen, Henrik, The Doll's House.
James, Henry, Italian Hours.
Kempf, Psychopathology.
Ladies' Home Journal, August,

Lawrence, D. H., The Rainbow,
Women in Love.

Lindsey, Ben, The Revolt of

Modern Youth.

Literary Digest, Jan. 19, 1924.
Liveright, Horace B., "The Ab-
surdity of Censorship"-Inde-
pendent Magazine.

Lulu Belle.

Lyon, Nile, Cottage Pie.

Maurier, du, Trilby.
Mencken, A Book of Prefaces.
New Masses.

O'Higgins, Harvey, The Ameri-
can Mind in Action.
O'Neill, Eugene, Desire Under
the Elms.

Oppenheim, James, Psychoan-
alysis of America.

Phillips, Graham, Susan Lenox.
Phillpotts, Eden, The Secret

Schnitzler, Arthur, Casanova's

Shaw, George Bernard, Mrs.
Warren's Profession; Shewing
up of Blanco Posnet.
Sudermann, Hermann, Song of

Spectator, The, December 2, 1911.
Taxil, Leo, La Bible Amusante.
Trotsky, Leon, Whither Eng-

Trumbull, Charles G., Anthony
Comstock, Fighter.

Wells, H. G., Ann Veronica.
Zangwill, Israel, The Next Re-



Actor: Attacks upon by Puri-
tans, 45; attitude towards,
during Elizabethan Age, 2;
expulsion of, 45; payment of,
44; prosecution of, 93; revolt
of, 53.

Adam Bede: Contrast to A Bed

of Roses, 279.

Addison, Joseph: 98, 101, 102-7,
114, 116, 118, 132, 164, 175.
Revolt against Feudal Garden-
ing, 164-65.
Adler, F.: 275.

Adultery: in Tom Jones, 145;
laughed at, 62.

Agrarian Program, An: 163; de-
fense of private property,

Agrarian Revolution: 192.
Agrippa: Comment on poetry,

Akenside, Mark: 184.

Alchemist, The: Free sex expres-
sion in, 23.

America: 183; significance of
colonization of 128-9.
American Mercury, The: Hat-
rack episode, 297-8.
American Mind in Action, The:

By Harvey O'Higgins, 284.
Amphitryon: Freedom of sex ex-
pression in, 16.
Anarchy: 180.

Anatomy of Abuse: By Philip
Stubbes, 50.

Anderson, James: On private in-
terests, 162.

Anderson, Sherwood: 276, 283,

Ann Veronica: By H. G. Wells,

Anthony Babington's Complaint:


Apology for Poetry: 51.

Apuleius: Freedom of sex ex-
pression in The Golden Ass, 16.
Architecture: Revolt in, 163.
Arden of Feversham: 112.
Arkwright: 192.

Aristocracy: Atheism of, 71-2;
attack upon immorality, 93;
concepts of in Shoemaker's
Holiday, 19; defense of Sab-
bath, 93; economic determinism
of, 36; economic foundations
of ethics, 37, 106; freedom of
description in, 14; freedom of
sex expression made possible
by mores of, 25; literature of,
10; marrying with bourgeoisie,


Aristophanes: 25.

Aristotle: 76; Phallic origin of
comedy, 25.
Armstrong, J.: 184.
Arnold, Matthew: 240.

Art of Preserving Health: (J.
Armstrong), 184.

Asch, Sholom: Attempts at sup-
pression in The God of Ven-
geance, 292-3.

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Becon: Attitude toward stage,


Beddoes, T.: 240.

Bed of Roses, A: Contrast to
Adam Bede, 279.
Behn, Mrs. Aphra: 283.
Bellamira, or The Mistress:
Adapted from The Eunuch.
By Sedley, 82.

Bennett, Arnold: Reception of

The Pretty Lady, 295.
Bentham, Jeremy: 198.

Bergson, H.: 243.

Bethlehem: By Housman, 293.
Betterton: 93.

Bill of Rights, The, 94; Effect
of, 85-86.
Blair: 184.

Blake, W., 207; Attitude toward
French Revolution, 203-4.
Blank Verse: In romanticism, 183.
Bloody Sunday: 255.
Book of Sports: 54.
Bourgeoisie: Anti-bourgeois atti-
tude, 246; art of, 41, 99; atti-
tude of 1890's toward, 256-7;
attitude toward marriage, 42;
changing ethics of, 34, 181;
change of attitude toward, 90;
causes of rise of English, 130;
contemporary status of, 268-
75; creates national culture,
104; decline of ethics, 246; de-
fense of, 72; doctrine of new
economists, 38; early econom-
ics of, 35; economic origin of
psychology of, 35-8; economic
theory, 38; effect of conflict
with aristocracy, 28; effect on
Elizabethan art, 27; ethics of
expressed in The London Mer-
chant, 117-18; ethics of the ris-

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