Haply fome hoary-headed swain may say, "To meet the fun upon the upland lawn. "There at the foot of yonder nodding beech That wreathes its old fantastic roots fo high, "His littlefs length at noontide would he stretch, "And pore upon the brook that babbles by. "Hard by yon wood, now smiling as in fcorn, "Mutt'ring his wayward fancies he would rove, "Now drooping, woeful wan, like one forlorn, "Or craz'd with care, or crofs'd in hopeless love. "One morn I mifs'd him on the cuftom'd hill, Along the heath and near his fav'rite tree; "Another came: nor yet befide the rill, "Nor up the lawn, nor at the wood was he; "The Forfe rifponderd Paftor canuto: Sonante acqua d' un rio, mentre che al raggio Là fotto l'ombra di crollante faggio, Bofco, in ipfo Fors illi canus tum paftor dicet: "Radicum ingenium tortile ludit humi, "Projectus medio, lentufque jacebat in æftu, "Spectabatque caput lene fluentis aquæ. "Juxta illum errabat lucum fpernente renidens "Nunc ore, & tenui murmure vana crepans, "Nunc languens, mœftufque, & pallidus, ut mifer, << amens, "Et qui tranfverfo preffus amore jacet. "Una dies venit; folito nec colle, nec ipfum "Vidi ego dilectos arboris ante pedes : Altera fucceffit; nec fontis lympha, nec ipsum Amplius illa placens ora, nemufve dedit : "Proxima Bofco, ora in atto d' uom che altrui dileggia Ed or com' uom che per amor folleggia, Febo l'altro mattino avea condotto, Nel "The next with dirges due in fad array [borne, "Slow thro' the church-way path we saw him "Approach, and read (for thon canft read) the lay, "Grav'd on the ftone beneath yon aged thorn.” "HERE refts his head upon the lap of earth "A Youth to Fortune and to Fame unknown. "Fair Science frown'd not on his humble birth, "And Melancholy mark'd him for her own. "Large was his bounty and his foul fincere, "Heav'n did a recompence as largely fend : "He gave to Mis'ry (all he had) a tear, "He gain'd from Heav'n ('twas all he wish'd) a Friend. "No farther feek his merits to disclose, "Or draw his frailties from their dread abode, Nel terzo giorno alfin con mefti gridi Già morto al Tempio ecco il vediam portarfi, 66 EPIT AFFIO. UI giace in feno alla gran madre antica 66 Il tefor di Dottrina a lui fu noto. Ebbe "Proxima cùm luxit, meritæ mæfto ordine pompa Accede & legito (legere eft tibi copia) carmen, EPITAPHIUM. "Hic Forti ignotus Juvenis, Famæque, reclivem "Non humili Doctrina loco pulcherrima natum Larga olli Bonitas fincero in pectore; at inde "Illi (hoc optaret) Numen habere dedit. 66 "Ebbe Malinconia compagna e amica, "Ch' altro non ebbe; e a' fuoi defir conforme "Al fuo Padre, al fuo Dio, che i paffi e l'orme" "Noftre inveftiga, tra timore e fpeme "Le buone opre e le ree pofano infieme. on the Death of a FAVOURITE CAT, 19 131 - 153 - 167 The DESCENT of ODIN, The TRIUMPHS of OWEN, CARMEN ELEGIACUM, ELEGIA, &C. ELEGY written in a Country Church-yard, on the Pleasure arifing from VICISSITUDE 179 on the Death of HOEL, SONNET on the Death of Mr. R. WEST, EPITAPH on Mrs. CLARKE, - on Sir WILLIAM WILLIAMS, 184 186 187 ELEGIA INGLESE, trafportata in Verfi Latini, 189 JOHN Bibl JOHNSON |