INDEX. A. Adrift woman wage-earners- Page. Definition of... 10-12 83 Age, experience, earnings, etc., of home and adrift woman wage-earners in department and other Amusements, amount expended for, by woman wage-earners in stores and factories. (See Boston, Amusements, average weekly amount paid for, by waitresses, by cities... Application for employment in a department store in Chicago, form of 198 B. Baltimore, overtime and night work of woman wage-earners in. Benefit associations, clubs, etc., for woman wage-earners... Boarding houses, organized, woman wage-earners living in... Boarding or lodging houses, woman wage-earners living in.... 212-214 48,98, 111, 117, 128, 131, 134, 147, 166, 178 52, 53, 68-71 (See also Boston, Chicago, Minneapolis and St. Paul, New York City, Philadelphia, St. Louis.) Boston: Age, experience, earnings, etc., of woman wage-earners living at home- in department and other retail stores. 25,84-87,218-221,344,348 in factories, etc. 25,84-87,224-233,344,348 in hotels and restaurants.. 368 Age, experience, earnings, etc., of woman wage-earners not living at home--- number and per cent of, adrift and at home, in department and other retail stores and in number and per cent of, living at home who did or did not contribute to family fund.. overtime work. schooling. (See also Waitresses in hotels and restaurants.) Buyers, female, in department stores, age, experience, etc., of..... C. 87, 90, 95, 222, 224, 232, 234, 236, 368, 369 Car fare, average weekly amount expended for, by waitresses, by cities... Car fare, amount expended for, by woman wage-earners in stores and factories in specified cities. 99 198 15 19 80 83, 84, 89, 90 Per cent of, of total female employees reporting in Chicago, in New York, and in Philadelphia.. 41 Chicago: Age, experience, earnings, etc., of woman wage-earners living at home- in department and other retail stores. in factories, etc.. in hotels and restaurants. Age, experience, earnings, etc., of woman wage-earners not living at home- in department and other retail stores.. 105, 111, 114, 241, 243, 245, 251, 253, 255, 257, 351, 353, 370, 371 105, 238-241,246-251,370 25, 53, 111, 114, 241-245, 251-257, 351, 353, 370, 371 employment, conditions of, in hotels and restaurants. 53, 238-257,344, 345, 348, 351, 353, 370, 371 105 110, 208, 209, 359, 370, 371 114-120, 241, 243, 245, 251, 253, 255, 257, 351, 353, 370, 371 living in boarding houses or in private families, or keeping house. nationality. 350-353 113, 119, 238-242, 244, 246-252, 254, 256, 350, 352, 370, 371 number and per cent of, adrift and at home, in department and other retail stores and in number and per cent of, living at home who did or did not contribute to family fund. occupations, classified, per cent in, in department stores. Clothing, cost of, and income of 196 woman wage-earners in Boston. Commissions allowed woman wage-earners. Contributions to family, of waitresses, by cities.. 89, 98, 106, 128, 129, 175 195, 196 Contributions to family, of woman wage-earners in specified cities. (See Boston, Chicago, Minne- apolis and St. Paul, New York City, Philadelphia, and St. Louis.) Cost of living and average weekly earnings of woman wage-earners- Other than waitresses, by cities, and for waitresses in all cities. Cost of living of woman wage-earners. (See Age, experience, earnings, etc., of home and adrift delphia, St. Louis; Waitresses in hotels and restaurants.) 62-68 68-71 59-62 53 D. Department and other retail stores- Age, experience, earnings, etc., of home and adrift women in, by cities. 25, 26, 218-335 39-45 Earnings, weekly, of employees in. 23, 24, 218-335 Experience, length of, of woman wage-earners in.. 42, 43, 218-335 In Chicago, in New York, and in Philadelphia, woman employees in classified occupations in, per cent of.. 41 In Chicago, New York, and Philadelphia, number and per cent of cash girls, saleswomen, office Number and per cent of woman wage-earners in, by age and classified weekly earnings. 41, 42 Number and per cent of woman wage-earners in, earning specified weekly amounts.. 348, 349 Number and per cent of woman wage-earners in, living at home who did or did not contribute 19-21 Number, per cent, and average weekly earnings of women in, classified by length of experience Woman wage-earners in, in specified cities, and number included in the investigation. (See Woman wage-earners in, per cent of, in specified sections of Boston. 83 (See also Age, experience, earnings, etc., of home and adrift woman wage-earners.) E. Earnings and opportunities for advancement of wage-earning women, discussion of..... 37-48 Amount of, paid to family by women living at home... 25 And cost of living of woman wage-earners living in boarding or lodging houses.... 62-68 And cost of living of woman wage-earners living in organized boarding houses. 68-71 Of waitresses, by cities. Of woman wage-earners. Earnings, average weekly-Concluded. And cost of living of woman wage-earners living in private families. And cost of living of women other than waitresses, by cities, and for waitresses in all cities. Classified, of woman wage-earners.. Of home and adrift woman wage-earners, discussion of... Of home and adrift women, comparison of, by cities. Of store and factory women compared. Of women in department and other retail stores, classified by length of experience. Page. 59-62 53 23, 24, 41, 42, 46 22-27 25, 26 47,48 195, 196, 355-377 23, 24, 41, 42, 46, 218-377 42, 43 Of women in factories, etc., classified by length of experience. 47 Of women in packing houses, Chicago. 351-353 Earnings, number and per cent of woman wage-earners who contributed all or part of, to family 19-21 Earnings of woman wage-earners, commissions allowed in addition to.. 89, 98, 106, 128, 129, 175 Earnings. (See also Age, experience, earnings, etc., of home and adrift woman_wage-earners; Education, amount expended for, by woman wage-earners. (See Boston, Chicago, Minneapolis and St. Paul, New York City, Philadelphia, St. Louis.) Employment, conditions of, in hotels and restaurants employing waitresses. 189-199, 354-377 Environment, social, of woman wage-earners, discussion of.. 49-76 Expenditure for clothing and income of 196 women employed in Boston.. Of woman wage-earners in specified cities. (See Boston, Chicago, Minneapolis and St. Paul, New York City, Philadelphia, and St. Louis.) Experience. (See also Age, experience, earnings, etc., of home and adrift woman wage-earners.) F. Factories, mills, etc.- Earnings, weekly, of employees in. Age, experience, earnings, etc., of home and adrift women in, by cities. Experience, length of, of women wage-earners in.... Income and expenditure for clothing of working women in Boston. Number and per cent of woman wage-earners in, adrift and at home. 25, 26, 224-343 23, 24, 224-343 47,224-343 72 15 46 19-21 47 Number and per cent of woman wage-earners in, by age and classified weekly earnings. Number, per cent, and average weekly earnings of women in, classified by length of experience.. Woman wage-earners in, per cent of, in specified sections of Boston. (See also Age, experience, earnings, etc., of home and adrift woman wage-earners, etc.) Factory and store women, comparison of earnings of.. Fines imposed upon woman wage-earners Food and shelter of woman wage-earners, method of grading. H. Home, women living at, per cent of, in specified sections of Boston.. Hotels and restaurants, waitresses in. (See Waitresses in hotels and restaurants.) Hours of labor and rates of wages of waitresses in hotels and restaurants. Hours of labor of woman wage-earners in- St. Louis. 176, 367, 377 Hours of labor of woman wage-earners, legal restrictions affecting, by States. 216 Hours of labor. (See also Overtime and night work of woman wage-earners.) Housekeeping by woman wage-earners, discussion of. 52-59 Housekeeping. (See also Boston, Chicago, Minneapolis and St. Paul, New York City, Philadel- phia, St. Louis.) Housing conditions of waitresses in hotels and restaurants.. 198, 199 Housing conditions of woman wage-earners, method of grading. 27 Housing conditions of woman wage-earners. (See also Boston, Chicago, Minneapolis and St. Paul, New York City, Philadelphia, St. Louis.) I. Income and cost of clothing of 196 woman wage-earners. 9,10 Labor, hours of. (See Hours of labor, etc.) L. Legal restrictions affecting hours of labor of woman wage-earners, by States. Living conditions of woman wage-earners: Boston.. Minneapolis and St. Paul: M. Age, experience, earnings, etc., of woman wage-earners living at home- in department and other retail stores. in factories in hotels and restaurants. Page. 216 77-99 101-120 121-137 139-154 155-167 169-188 98, 111, 133, 134, 179 Age, experience, earnings, etc., of woman wage-earners not living at home- in department and other retail stores. in factories, etc. in hotels and restaurants. Woman wage-earners- amusements, amount expended for. benefit associations, clubs, etc., for. car fare, amount expended for.. contributions to families. cost of living. earnings, average weekly. education, amount expended for.... employment, conditions of, in hotels and restaurants. living in boarding houses or in private families or keeping house. number and per cent of, adrift and at home, in department and other retail stores and in hours of labor housing conditions. 52, 132, 133 lunch rooms and rest rooms for. 133, 134 nationality.. 125, 132, 260, 262, 264, 266, 372 number and per cent of, living at home who did or did not contribute to family fund..... overtime work.. schooling.. social work among. (See also Waitresses in hotels and restaurants.) Moral condition of department-store women, relation of wages to... Moral influences surrounding employment in department stores. Ν. Nationality of woman wage-earners. (See Boston, Chicago, Minneapolis and St. Paul, New York City, Philadelphia, St. Louis.) New York City: Age, experience, earnings, etc., of woman wage-earners living at home- in department and other retail stores. in factories, etc. in hotels and restaurants. Age, experience, earnings, etc., of woman wage-earners not living at home- number and per cent of, adrift and at home, in department and other retail stores and in fac- tories, etc. number and per cent of, living at home who did or did not contribute to family fund. occupations, classified, per cent in, in department stores.. per cent in specified occupations.. Occupations, classified, per cent in, of woman employees in department stores of Chicago, of New 9,10 41 Occupations, females in classified, receiving classified weekly wages in department and other retail Occupations. (See also Age, experience, earnings, etc., of home and adrift woman wage-earners, Office employees, female, in department and other retail stores- By classified rates of wages- Chicago.. New York. Philadelphia. three cities (Chicago, New York, and Philadelphia) combined Per cent of, of total female employees reporting in Chicago, in New York, and in Philadelphia. Department and other retail stores. Page. 107 146 160 45 41 39-45 45-47 212-214 83,84 110, 113, 208-210 127, 128, 130, 131 149,204-208 161, 210-212 P. Packing houses of Chicago, living conditions, etc., of woman wage-earners in....... Age, experience, earnings, etc., of woman wage-earners living at home- in department and other retail stores. in factories, etc... in hotels and restaurants. Age, experience, earnings, etc., of woman wage-earners not living at home- living in boarding houses or in private families, or keeping house. nationality. number and per cent of, adrift and at home, in department and other retail stores and in factories, etc.. number and per cent of, living at home who did or did not contribute to family fund. occupations, classified, per cent in, in department stores. 52,166 167, 310, 312, 324, 326, 328, 330, 376 15 21 157 41 41 159, 164, 165, 310, 312, 324, 326, 328, 330, 376 52, 53, 59-62 161, 210-212 Private families, woman wage-earners living with. Age, experience, earnings, etc., of woman wage-earners living at home- Age, experience, earnings, etc., of woman wage-earners not living at home- car fare, amount expended for.. 173, 335, 341, 343, 377 contributions to family. 173, 332, 333, 336-339, 377 cost of living. 173, 174, 186-188, 335, 341, 343, 377 earnings, average weekly. 53, 332-343, 347-349,367, 377 education, amount expended for. 173 employment, conditions of, in hotels and restaurants. 366, 367 |