TABLE I.-OCCUPATION, AGE, EXPERIENCE, AND ECONOMIC CONDITION OF WAGE-EARNING WOMEN-Continued. ST. LOUIS, MO.—Continued. FACTORIES, ETC.-WOMEN LIVING AT HOME-Concluded. Average..... 620.4 c 3.9 b 6.61 d 5.45 a Not reported. b Based on 232, number reported. c Based on 229, number reported. d Based on 231, number reported. TABLE I.-OCCUPATION, AGE, EXPERIENCE, AND ECONOMIC CONDITION OF WAGE-EARNING WOMEN-Continued. a Bad-Insanitary. Fair-Just sanitary. Good Sanitary, with a measure of comfort (i. e., space, furnishings, etc.). Excellent="Good," with attractive surroundings. Bad=Insufficient or poorly cooked. Fair-Sufficient and sustaining. Good="Fair" and palatable. Excellent="Good," with good service. |