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became General Lee's chief of artillery. In this latter position, Major Page served gallantly until the close of the war. From Appomattox, he returned to his old home to take up his chosen profession, and again became a familiar figure at the old historic courthouse and upon the hustings, and well maintained himself as a lawyer beside his able and distinguished brethren who were regular practitioners before and after the war at the Hanover Bar. Among these were John A. Meredith, James Lyons, C. G. Griswold, John B. Young, W. W. Crump, Alex. H. Holladay, William R. Winn, E. W. Morris, Chastaine White and William R. Aylett, all of whom he survived.

For four years he was the attorney for the Commonwealth in Hanover, and performed the duties of this office, as he did those of every other trust committed to him, faithfully and well. He was proud of his profession, and honored and respected his brethren at the Bar, and was especially kind to the young practitioner. Though firm in his convictions, and to a marked degree fearless, he sought to be just and fair as an advocate, and becomingly respected, at all times, the opinions and feelings of others. Being of a nervous and impulsive temperament and quick at repartee, he was often heard to make curt, and sometimes sarcastic, remarks about the conduct or ideas of others, but they were devoid of malice or a purpose to wound the feelings of anyone, and served only, as they were intended, to amuse his hearers, whether a victim of his wit and humor or not, for he was well known to be of a genial, kindly nature, which, together with his many excellent qualities of head and heart, drew to him hosts of friends.

While in his association with his brethren at the Bar, and his fellow citizens upon the hustings, he was always attractive and companionable.. Major Page was perhaps at his best in the sacred precincts of his home. There he was ever tender and devoted to his family, and there he and his accomplished wife dispensed hospitality in the entertainment of their friends after the manner of the good old days of this Commonwealth, when she became famous for the hospitality of her citizens. To that home the poor constantly came for help, and it may be safely said that none was ever turned away empty-handed. Those in affliction in the community always had the sympathy of the family at Oakland, and if anything could be done for their relief or comfort, it never went undone. To such an extent was this the case that when Major Page passed away there was sorrow in the humblest home in that community, and when his body was laid to rest at the Old Fork church, of which church he was a member and a faithful worker in the cause of Christianity for many years, the outpouring of his neighbors, regardless of class, afforded abundant testimony that he was greatly esteemed and beloved by all the people of the locality in which he had spent his entire life, with the exception of the period through which he served his State in war.

His widow and three sons, two of them honorable members of this Association, and the other a clergyman greatly beloved and of high standing in the Episcopal church, survive him. At the first term of the County Court of Hanover county after his death, a meeting of the Bar, largely attended by citizens of the county, adopted appropriate resolutions, giving expression to the high esteem in which the deceased was held by the Bar and the people generally, and of the sympathy they bore to his family in their sorrow, which resolutions were made a part of the records of the county. Upon the first roll of the membership of this Association appears the name of our departed brother, and from the organization of this brotherhood, in 1888, until deprived of the privilege by impaired health and wasted strength, he never failed to attend its annual meeting. None took greater interest in the Association than he did, and none believed more implicitly than he that the Association would accomplish great good by the influence it would wield over the members of our profession throughout the State. Old age gradually deprived him of his strength, and to this enfeebled condition was added, some months prior to his end, a broken limb, which rendered him a helpless invalid; yet, with cheerfulness, patience and submission, he awaited his final summons, which he well knew was soon to come; and, with a religious faith, firm and unshaken, he looked forward to the sunset of his life, not as the coming of an endless night, but as the dawn of a brighter and endless day of peace and rest. Thus, calm and resigned, surrounded by an affectionate family and devoted friends, our distinguished brother and ever faithful friend, passed to his reward, and the memory of him will be cherished by us all, but most in the hearts of those of us who knew him best.



George Augustus Mushbach was born in Sussex county, New Jersey, in January, 1850, and died in the city of Alexandria on December 27, 1901.

He came of a distinguished line of ancestors, many of whom held important positions of trust in their State. He was a grandson of the late Senator Edsall, of New Jersey, who formerly owned a fine estate near Alexandria, known as "Edsall's Hill."

Having received an excellent education at Rutger's College, he came, when about seventeen years of age, with his mother, a brother and a sister, to Alexandria to reside.

He was always most loyal to Virginia, his chosen home, and no native son has ever cherished the glorious history of this old Commonwealth more zealously, or with more pride. than he, and few have been more ready at all times to serve Virginia, even though the rendition of the service caused pecuniary loss to him.

Shortly after his arrival in Alexandria he began the study of law in the office of the late Francis L. Smith, who for many years was one of the ablest members of the Bar of this State, and from the commencement of his studies, Mr. Mushbach showed a remarkable aptitude for his chosen profession and proved himself a pupil worthy of his distinguished instructor.

He was admitted to practice at the threshold of manhood, and soon became one of the leaders of the Bar of Northern Virginia, and few attorneys in that section of this State have enjoyed a wider or more lucrative practice than he did for many years; he formed a partnership with the late M. D. Ball, and subsequently with the late C. W. Wattles, and after the death of the latter he practiced alone.

His mind seemed to be naturally adapted to the solution of legal questions, and although he was peculiarly gifted as a speaker, he never depended on his oratorical abilities in the

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