request for another to hold his approaching term, that he was glad to have always been able to hold his courts that he was proud of his district, proud of the Bar practicing in it, and it was hard not to be able to go on with his duties for he had looked forward to years of active continuance on the bench. Any sketch of John Paul would be deficient which failed to refer to his keen sense of humor, his companionable naturethat indescribable power of diffusing a feeling of nearness-and his tenderness of heart, whether exhibited on the Bench, as when with tearful voice and ill-concealed emotion, he softens within the limits of the law the sentence to the old Confederate confessing his guilt, or shown in his sympathy and assistance to youth in the struggles of early life, as many in this and other States bear witness in grateful remembrance. He was open, frank, warm-hearted, considerate, whole-souled and for his bounty, "There was no winter in't; an autumn 'twas An ardent lover of nature and her thousand charms, he paid her tribute in a lifelong cultivation of flowers and trees and shrubs, and in the finer feelings that come to those to whom the presence of her mysteries is joy and gladness as well as reverence and awe. In 1874, John Paul was united in marriage to Kate Seymour Green, daughter of Mr. Charles H. Green, of Warren County, Virginia, to whom were born seven children, four sons and three daughters, and she, with three of the former and all of the latter survive him. It is no intrusion into the sanctity of their home--for it is known of all-to say that his married life was ideal; nor to add, that to none so much as to the one nearest and dearest to him, was he indebted for all that was highest and best in life and thought. To her encouragement and sympathy quickened by the keen insight of love, could be traced the most potent influences upon his character and career. A disease of the heart developing less than half a year before bringing his life to a close on November 1st, 1901, was long enough to try to the uttermost, the patience and the courage of this brave and faithful man. And right nobly did he bear its agony-for with a soldier's fortitude, and a Christian's faith, he "embraced the purpose of God" and passed "to where beyond these voices there is peace." In the sacred soil of his beloved mother, Virginia, precious with the dust of statesmen and patriots, of soldiers and scholars, of honor and eloquence, this learned, this loyal and this loving son was laid to rest; "White-souled, clean-handed, pure of heart." JOHN T. HARRIS. COLONEL LUCIEN DOUGLAS STARKE. Colonel Lucien Douglas Starke died at his home, in Norfolk, Va., on February 21, 1902, after a brief illness from pneumonia, in the seventy-seventh year of his age. He was the fourth child of Colonel Bowling Starke and Eliza G., the daughter of Colonel Anthony New, and was born near Cold Harbor, in Hanover county, Va., on February 9, 1826. His father, who was born in the same county in 1790, was for many years the presiding justice of its County Court under the old judicial system, and was an extensive planter, as had been also his grandfather and great-grandfather, both of whom were named John Starke. Colonel Anthony New, his maternal grandfather, represented the Caroline (Virginia) district in Congress for several terms, and afterwards, removing to Kentucky, was again returned to Congress as the representative from Henry Clay's district, in that State. A few years after Colonel Starke's birth his father moved his family to Henrico county and gave his son the benefit of the best classical schools in the city of Richmond, of which he eagerly took the fullest advantage. At the age of fifteen years he was given a position in the office of the Richmond Enquirer and continued there for seven years. The Enquirer was at this time under the management of the celebrated journalist and editor, Thomas Ritchie, and was one of the most influential Democratic newspapers in the United States. Colonel Starke thus had the rare advantage of meeting and associating with the leaders of thought and moulders of public opinion of the period, and, surrounded by such influences, he |