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Virginia and the Carolinas, for his services in securing for the Association the usual rate of one and one-third fare from roads other than the Chesapeake and Ohio.

Your committee deem themselves fortunate in having secured the services of the distinguished gentlemen, whose names appear upon your program, to deliver addresses and read papers at this meeting. They will speak for themselves and need no eulogy at the hands of the committee.

Three members of this committee are now to be retired and others elected in their places. The terms of Messrs. B. B. Munford and R. B. Davis, the latter of whom was elected to fill the unexpired term of the late W. P. McRae, will expire by limitation with this meeting, and their successors are to be elected for the term of three years; and a vacancy having been caused by the resignation of Mr. John Stewart Bryan, who has served upon the committee most efficiently for two years, his successor is to be elected for the term of one year.

Your committee are unwilling to close this report without expressing their high appreciation of the valuable assistance rendered to them by your accomplished and faithful secretary and treasurer, Mr. Eugene C. Massie, in making their arrangements for this meeting. These services have been of great value to your committee and have been rendered in such a cheerful and accommodating spirit that they deserve, as they have received, thanks of the committee, also of the Association.

RICHARD B. DAVIS, For the Executive Committee.

Report of Committee on Admissions


To the Virginia State Bar Association:

Your Committee on Admissions have the honor to submit the following report of their proceedings to the Association:

At a meeting of the committee, held August 4, 1902, at this place, pursuant to the call published by the Secretary of the Association, a quorum was found present, and J. B. Ranson, the secretary of the committee, being absent, and he, being a member of the committee, the President, by virtue of a by-law of the Association providing for such contingency, appointed J. T. McAllister, member of the Bath Bar, and of the Thirteenth Circuit, to act on the committee in his stead, and J. T. McAllister was elected as secretary of the committee in the place of J. B. Ranson; and John W. Fishburne, member for Sixth Circuit, absent, George E. Walker was appointed on the committee in his place, and it proceeded to business.

The roll was called, absentees noted and quorum present, the following named gentlemen, upon their applications, duly and properly authenticated, were unanimously elected members of this Association, to-wit:

1. Edward P. Buford..

2. Edgar Lee Greever.

3. Barner Gillispie.

4. George Walker St. Claire.

5. Hampton H. Wayt....

6. Alexander Donnan Hamilton.

7. G. B. Sinclair.

8. John M. Johnson

9. Leon Goodman.

10. Richard H. Mann.

11. Robert H. Talley.





. Staunton







12. H. M. Smith, Jr.

Richmond ..Richmond

13. John Howard, Jr..

14. R. T. Lacy. .

15. Henry A. Atkinson.


. Richmond

Which action is respectfully submitted to the Association for confirmation.

On motion, the committee adjourned until to-morrow morning at 10 o'clock.

August 7, 1902.



To the Virginia State Bar Association:

At this, the first adjourned meeting of the Committee on Admissions, held this morning at this place, a quorum being present, upon his application properly authenticated:

16. Fitzhugh Elder.

.Staunton, Va.,

was unanimously elected a member of the Association and the action of the committee is now hereby respectfully submitted to this body for confirmation, and the committee adjourned to meet to-morrow morning at 9:30 o'clock.

August 5, 1902.



To the Virginia State Bar Association:

At the second adjourned meeting of the Committee on Admissions, held this morning, a quorum was found present. H. G. Peters, the member of the committee for the Sixteenth Circuit, being absent, the President appointed D. D. Hull, of the Bristol Bar, in his stead; and N. C. Manson, member for the Fourth

Circuit, absent, Thomas D. Christian, of the Lynchburg Bar, was appointed in his place, and the committee proceeded with the business before it.

Upon application duly avouched and presented, the following gentlemen were unanimously elected members of the Virginia State Bar Association, to-wit:

[blocks in formation]

All of which is respectfully submitted to the Association for confirmation, and the committee adjourned till to-morrow morn

ing at 9:30 o'clock for final session.



August 6, 1902.

To the Virginia State Bar Association:

At the third adjourned meeting of the committee, held this morning at this place, and the final meeting of this committee as now constituted, it appearing that Henry C. Riely, the member for the Seventh Judicial Circuit of the State, was absent, the President appointed J. R. V. Daniel in his stead, and a quorum of the committee was found present.

The following named gentlemen, upon their applications properly presented and avouched, were unanimously elected members of this Association, to-wit:

24. James L. Shelton.

25. Н. Н. Byrd...

26. A. H. McDannald...

. Richmond

Warm Spring's
Warm Springs

This action is respectfully submitted to the Association for approval, and with this, our final report, your committee congratulated these young men who have come in and taken their stand with the Association, and at the same time congratulated the Association upon its good work and bid it God-speed in its splendid and useful career.



August 4, 1902.

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