MONTAGUE, E. E... MOON, JOHN B.. MULLEN, J. M... POLLARD, JOHN GARLAND. RANSON, THOMAS D... SCOTT, CHARLES LANDON... TENNANT, W. BRYDON. VANCE, W. R... WALKER, GEORGE E.. . Hot Springs. Warm Springs. .Berryville. . Charlottesville. Warm Springs. . Norfolk. Eastville. .Richmond. Danville. . Hampton. Charlottesville. .New York. Charlottesville. . Petersburg. . Manassas. Alexandria. Richmond. Richmond. Staunton. ...Wise. Lexington. . Charlottesville. Palmyra. Richmond. .Suffolk. Staunton. Covington. Roanoke. Newport News. Amherst. . Richmond. . Charlottesville. Richmond. . Richmond. . Warm Springs. Woodstock. .Lynchburg. .Richmond. Smithfield. .Lexington. . Charlottesville. Martinsville. CAMPBELL, PRESTON W.. CARTER, JOHN W... ELDER, FITZHUGH GILLISPIE, BARNER GOODMAN, LEON GREEVER, EDGAR LEE. HAMILTON, ALEXANDER DONNAN. HOWARD, JOHN, JR. JOHNSON, JOHN M. LACY, R. T... MANN, RICHARD H.. MCDANNALD, A. H.. PEERY, GEORGE CAMPBELL. PENICK, PAUL M.. RIXEY, C. J., JR. SCOTT, ROBERT E. SHELTON, JAMES L.. SINCLAIR, G. B.. SLEMP, C. B.. SMITH, H. M., JR. ST. CLAIRE, GEORGE WALKER. TALLEY, ROBERT H.. . Richmond. .Lawrenceville. Warm Springs. . Abingdon. Martinsville. . Staunton. . Tazewell. Lynchburg. . Tazewell. Petersburg. . Richmond. Alexandria. . Richmond. . Petersburg. Warm Springs. . Wise. Lexington. . Culpeper. Roanoke. Richmond. Charlottesville. Big Stone Gap. . Richmond. . Tazewell. . Richmond. WAYT, HAMPTON H. Total . Staunton. 26. Transactions OF THE FOURTEENTH ANNUAL MEETING OF THE Virginia State Bar Association HELD AT HOT SPRINGS OF VIRGINIΙΑ AUGUST 5, 6 AND 7, 1902 Hot Springs of Virginia TUESDAY, August 5th, 1902. Mr. Richard B. Davis, of Petersburg, Chairman of the Executive Committee, called the Association to order at 11 o'clock A. M., and said: Gentlemen of the Bar Association, ladies and gentlemen: As Chairman of your Executive Committee, it becomes my pleasing duty to call this Association to order in its Fourteenth Annual. Session. In doing so, I desire first to congratulate the Association on the very happy choice displayed in the selection of a place to meet, and also to welcome all of you to our meeting. In accordance with the by-laws, the Executive Committee have secured gentlemen to read papers; and we have been very J |