Page images

Aug. 20. To cash paid Everett Waddey Co., to-wit:

March 13th, 1 letter file....

June 29th, 100 card notices..

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]



To express on photograph of Thirteenth Annual


To H. B. Wills, photographer, for group of Asso-

29. To John G. Winston for stenographic services, etc.,
in connection with Thirteenth Annual Meet-

To Thaddeus for cleaning and storing books...

Sept. 12. To Everett Waddey Co. for—

500 stamped envelopes..
600 card notices.


2 00

96 00 1 50

$12 90
1 75

[blocks in formation]


To salary of Secretary and Treasurer for three
months to October 1, 1901...

75 00


To Fritz Sitterding, carpenter, for bookshelves for

storage of reports, etc...

27 47

[blocks in formation]

To Christopher Engraving Company for 14 half-
tone cuts for Vol. XIV..

[blocks in formation]

To Davenport & Co., rent for three months to

12. To stamps for Vol. XIV., 550 at 16 cts..

15. To stamps for Vol. XIV., 81 at 16 cts.

To Frank Cole for delivering Vol. XIV. to Rich-
mond members and others in city....

31 25

88 00

12 96

5 00



To W. G. Cosby for hauling volumes to P. O..
Ernest Young for framing group of 1901.

1 13

Dec. 12.

To Everett Waddey for binding 20 volumes No.


XIV. in Morocco for Mr. Justice Horace Gray..
To stamps for Vol. XIV..

20 00

1 60

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

To Davenport & Co., three months' rent to Janu-
ary 1, 1902.....

31 25

[blocks in formation]

To Everett Waddey Co., 435 "return postals" for
vote as to place of Fourteenth Annual Meet-

11 00




To Everett Waddey Co. for 500 stamped envelopes.
To express on package to American Bar Associa-

12 90



To Postal Telegraph Cable Co. for cablegram to
Judge A. M. Keiley...

11 16


To Virginia Fire and Marine Insurance Co. for
$1,500.00 insurance

9 75

To Virginia State Insurance Co. for $2,500.00 insur-
ance on library...

16 25

March 1.

To storage room for reports.

6 00


To telegram to Judge Thomas G. Jones, of Ala...


April 12.

To Davenport & Co., three months' rent to April

[blocks in formation]

To telegram to Judge John Garber, San Francisco.
To telegram to Maj. T. C. Elder...

3 17



21. To telegram to Judge Garber, Washington, D. C..

22. To telegram to Maj. T. C. Elder..
24. To telegram to Judge Ed. Baxter.

[blocks in formation]

To telegrams to R. B. Davis and George Mc-
Intosh...... .



To expenses of E. C. Massie to Washington to
interview Judge Garber on April 21, 1902.....
To expenses of J. Stewart Bryan and E. C. Mas-
sie to Washington to interview Secretary of
the Navy W. H. Moody, etc..

28. To telegram to Senator Martin.

15 10


24 25

[blocks in formation]


To salary of Secretary and Treasurer to April 1,

To Everett Waddey Co. for 500 stamped envel-
opes, $12.90, and letter file, 30c...

18. To telegram to Judge James B. Gantt..
To telegrams to and from J. S. Bryan.
30. To salary of Secretary and Treasurer,
months to July 1, 1902....

[blocks in formation]


75 00

[blocks in formation]

To telegram to Thomas Nelson Page. 10. To telegram to Judge Gantt...

[ocr errors]





22. To Davenport & Co., three months' rent to July 1,

30. To amount to balance...

31 25

1,107 08

$3,245 96

July 30. By annual dues for year ending July 30, 1902, and receipts from other sources.

$3,245 96

Aug. 1.

By amount on deposit in cash and certificate in
State Bank of Virginia..

$1,107 08

Report of Executive Committee

To the Virginia State Bar Association:

Your Executive Committee respectfully report that, according to the custom which has heretofore been followed in holding the annual meeting at some place in the mountains and on the seashore in alternate years, the meeting for this year would have been fixed at the seashore, but your committee believed that August was the best time for holding the annual meeting, and that the seashore was not the best place for holding a meeting in that month, and caused reply postal cards to be sent by mail to each member of the Association, asking an expression of the individual preference of each member as to the time and place of holding the meeting.

A considerable number of members returned answers to these questions, and a very large majority of those answering expressed a preference for the Hot Springs, in Bath county, a a place of meeting and some time in the early part of August as the time.

In accordance with the wishes of the members so expressed, your committee fixed upon the Hot Springs as the place, and the 5th day of August as the time for holding the annual meeting, and they feel confident that the very generous hospitality which has been extended to the Association by the authorities of the hotel company, together with the beautiful surroundings of the place, both natural and artificial, are all that need be stated in justification of the wisdom of the choice so made.

Your committee believe that August is the best time for holding the annual meeting of the Association, because, generally, throughout the State, no circuit or corporation courts are in session and the Court of Appeals is also, generally, in recess during that month. The month of August, in the judgment of your committee, is not a fit time for a visit to the seashore, and for that reason it is submitted by the committee, that, if it is the judgment of the Association that the annual meetings shall be held in the month of August, it will be better to abandon the custom heretofore observed, and to have all such meetings held at some place in the mountains.

Your committee are pained to have to report that since the last annual meeting twelve of its highly honored and well beloved members have died, namely:

Robert C. Stribling, of Newport News, Va., died April 30,


Archer L. Payne, of Roanoke, Va., died September 16, 1901. General James A. Walker, of Wytheville, Va., died October 20, 1901.

John Page, of Beaver Dam, Va., died October 30, 1901. Arthur S. Segar, of Hampton, Va., died November 28, 1901. Judge John Paul, of Harrisonburg, Va., died November 1,


A. W. Armstrong, of Alexandria, Va., died December 24,


George A. Mushbach, of Alexandria, Va., died December 30, 1901.

L. D. Starke, of Alexandria, Va., died February 21, 1902. Leonard Marbury, of Alexandria, Va., died June 4, 1902. Judge R. R. Kane, of Gate City, Va., died June 6, 1902. Judge Thomas M. Miller, of Powhatan, Va., died June 11, 1902.

Suitable memorials of all these members will be prepared and published with the Minutes of this meeting, in conformity with the usual custom in such cases.

The thanks of the Association are due to the officers of the Chesapeake and Ohio Railroad Company for the courtesy extended to the members in reduction of the fare to and from the place of meeting from the ordinary rate, which has heretofore been granted, to the sum of one fare for the round-trip, and the ticket being good from the 1st of August to the 22d, this being the most liberal terms ever offered the Association by any transportation company. Thanks are also due to Mr. Fitzgerald, the courteous Commissioner of Associated Railroads of

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