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fortunate in obtaining the services of very accomplished lawyers, whose papers we know will be most pleasant and profitable.

With the memories of our Association upon us, and with these pleasant surroundings, we have every promise of a happy、 reunion, which I hope will be verified by every member of the Association.

The committee have tried to discharge their duties, and it now only remains to turn over the further control of this meeting to other officers. It is my very pleasant duty to introduce to you Major Thomas C. Elder, of Staunton, your President, who will now read his address. (Applause.)

Major Thomas C. Elder, President of the Association, then read his address.

(See Appendix.)

The President then announced the following committees:

Committee on Publications-W. O. Skelton, Richmond; Charles Hall Davis, Petersburg; John B. Cochran, Staunton.

Committee on Memorials-W. G. Robertson, Roanoke; John Goode, Bedford; Rufus A. Ayers, Big Stone Gap; John T. Harris, Jr., Rockingham; Gardner L. Boothe, Alexandria; L. L. Lewis, Richmond; E. E. Montague, Hampton; R. H. Cardwell, Hanover; R. G. Southall, Amelia.

Committee to Recommend Officers-John A. Coke, Richmond; Thomas D. Ranson, Staunton; Alexander Hamilton, Petersburg; L. T. Hanckel, Charlottesville; Joseph L. Kelly, Bristol.

The President: The next business in order is the report of the Secretary and Treasurer.

Mr. Eugene C. Massie, of Richmond: Mr. President and gentlemen, we began the year with 486 members-442 active and 44 honorary. Since then we have lost, by death, twelve members--11 active and 1 honorary; five have resigned; three have been dropped for the non-payment of dues; one has left the

State and one has been transferred to the honorary list; so that we now have 464 members. The accounts of the Treasurer have been duly audited. They show receipts of $3,245.96, including a balance of $989.79, with which the year began; and disbursements of $2,138.88, leaving in the treasury a balance of $1,107.08 as of the 1st of August, 1902.

The President: Next is the report of the Executive Committee.

Mr. Davis: That report is not ready now, but it will be presented later in the session.

(See report at end of Minutes.)

The President: Next is the report of the Committee on Admissions.

Mr. E. E. Stickley, of Woodstock, Chairman of the Committee on Admissions, read the first report of that committee.

(See report at end of Minutes.)

The President: The report of the Committee on Legislation and Law Reform is next in order. (No response.) We will proceed to the report of the Judiciary Committee. (No response.) Next is the Legal Education and Admission to the Bar. (No response.) The Committee on Library and Legal Literature. (No response.) The Committee on Presentments. (No response.) The Committee on Grievances. (No response.) The Committee on International Arbitration. (No response.) I want to make an announcement, which refers as well to the gentlemen who have been recently elected. It is that the Secretary will be glad to see them at his office, as it will be necessary for him to have a perfect list of those present in order to make preparations for the banquet. It will save the Secretary of the Association a great deal of trouble if the members will take heed to that announcement.

Mr. Massie: Mr. President, I would like to urge upon all the members the necessity for prompt attendance upon all meet

ings, particularly those at night. We have two distinguished speakers--Mr. Tucker to-night and Senator Daniel to-morrow night and the ladies are anxious to get this room for dancing. It will facilitate matters very much indeed, if you will assemble promptly, in order that the room may be vacated at an early hour.

The President: I remember last year, at Old Point, the great difficulty we had to get the members to attend the evening sessions promptly. The gentlemen do not appreciate the importance of the meeting beginning on time. Let us start promptly and get through early.

On motion, a recess was taken to 8:30 P. M.


Hot Springs of Virginia

TUESDAY, August 5th, 1902.

The Association was called to order at 8:30 P. M.

The President: We shall have the pleasure this evening of listening to a paper read by a gentleman who recently filled the chair of International and Constitutional Law in Washington and Lee University, and reflected honor on the chair. He is the distinguished son of an honored sire, and he bears a name which has been connected with the judicial history of Virginia for many generations. I announce the Honorable Henry St. George Tucker. (Applause.)

Mr. Tucker then read his address.

(See Appendix.)

The President: Gentlemen of the Association, there seems to be no more work ready for us to-night. I think we had better

meet in the morning at 10 o'clock, and let us understand that 10 o'clock means 10 o'clock by Eastern time. I hope the members of the Association will be prompt in their attendance.

On motion, a recess was taken to 10 o'clock A. M. Wednesday, August 6, 1902.


Hot Springs of Virginia

WEDNESDAY, August 6th, 1902.

The Association met at 10 o'clock A. M.

The President: Gentlemen of the Association, the indefatigable and invaluable Chairman of the Committee on Admissions usually has the floor when he wants it, and he will occupy our attention for a few minutes while he makes a report on the admission of new members.

Mr. Stickley then read the second report of the Committee on Admissions.

(See Report at end of Minutes.)

The President: We are about to have the pleasure of hearing a paper on a very important subject by a distinguished member of the Association. But before he proceeds, I wish to say to the Association that, after that paper has been read, there is some business before us which will not take long but which is very important, and I must beg that the members will remain and attend to this business. I have no doubt that it will be the inclination of many to retire and to congratulate the writer of the paper and to discuss it on the outside; but we must attend to the business of the Association. No one appreciates the social feature of these meetings more than I do, but we must also

look to the business side of the Association, and, therefore, I earnestly request that the members of the Association will remain after the paper is read.

I have the pleasure now of announcing the Honorable Theodore S. Garnett, of Norfolk, who will read us a paper on "The Impeachment and Trial of Andrew Johnson." It is useless for me to invite your attention to this paper; I think it will engage your attention without remark from me. (Applause.)

Judge Garnett then read his address.

(See Appendix.)

The President: The report of the Committee to Recommend Officers is now in order.

Captain John A. Coke, of Richmond, read the report, as follows:

The Committee appointed to Recommend Officers for the ensuing year respectfully recommend the following:

For President-Samuel C. Graham, of Tazewell.

For Vice-Presidents-Southwest, William Gordon Robertson; Southside, William B. McIlwaine; Piedmont, John G. Williams; Tidewater, William H. White; Valley, Marshall McCormick.

For Secretary and Treasurer-Eugene C. Massie, of Richmond.

For New Members of Executive Committee-A. W. Patterson, Richmond; Wyndham R. Meredith, Richmond; Alfred P. Thom, Norfolk, to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of J. Stewart Bryan.

For Delegates to American Bar Association-S. S. P. Patteson, Richmond; W. R. Vance, Lexington; H. St. George Tucker, Lexington.

On motion, the report of the Committee was adopted and the

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