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The poetical works of Sir Alexander Boswell, of Auchinleck, Baronet

Sir Alexander Boswell, Robert Howie Smith




Some of the friends of Mr. Gibb, factor at Auchinleck, well acquainted with his long and faithful services in the situation which he has now filled for nearly half a century, and his general usefulness in the district, did lately, as a mark of their respect, invite him to a publicdinner at Ochiltree. Accordingly, upwards of twenty gentlemen had the honour of entertaining Mr. Gibb at Mr. Edgar's on Monday evening the 1st of February current, Mr. Pettigrew of Tershaw in the chair, supported by Mr. Gibb and the Rev. Mr. Boyd of Ochiltree and the Rev. Mr. Chrystal of Auchinleck-Mr. Sloan, Auchlin, croupier. After the usual toasts, the chairman, in very appropriate terms, introduced Mr. Gibb to the company as a gentleman well worthy of their esteem and regard, from his long career of usefulness, and the many other good qualities which he was known to possess ; and after presenting him with a Snuff-Box of rare and. curious workmanship, concluded by proposing his health, which was received with all the honours. Mr. Gibb, in returning thanks, took occasion most feelingly to remark, that he had been 46 years in his present situation, and during that period, had served three generations of the House of Auchinleck, beginning with the immortal Biographer of Johnson-that he had seen no fewer than 15 different clergymen in the two parishes with which he was connected, and as many factors on the neighbouring estates.

In the course of the evening a great many toasts of a loyal and patriotic nature, as well as of local interest, Avere given and received by the company in the most cordial manner. The health of the Marquis and Marchioness of Bute, Sir James Boswell, the two clergymen present, Miss Tennent, Glenconner, Mr. Crighton, facier, Dumfries House, Mr. Simson the schoolmaster of the parish, the chairman and croupier, and other individuals respected and useful in the district, were drank by the company with great applause.

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It were needless to say that Mrs. Edgar's good cheer gave entire satisfaction. The company, broke up at an early hour in the evening.

Dunston T3 258

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