Managing the Flow of Technology: Technology Transfer and the Dissemination of Technological Information Within the Ramp;d OrganizationThe original edition of this book summarized more than a decade of work oncommunications flow in science and engineering organizations, showing how human and organizationalsystems could be restructured to bring about improved productivity and better person-to-personcontact. While many studies have been done since then, few of them invalidate the generalconclusions and recommendations Allen offers. In a new preface he points out - new developments,noting areas that need some modification, elaboration, or extension, and directing readers to theappropriate journal articles where the findings, are reported.The first three chapters provide anoverview of the communication system in technology, present the author's research methods, anddescribe differences in the career paths and goals of engineers and scientists that cause specialproblems for organizations. The book then discusses how technological information is acquired by theR & D organization, shows how critical technical communication within the laboratory is for R& D performance, and originates the idea of the "gatekeeper," the person who links his or herorganization to the world at large. Concluding chapters take up the influence of formal and informalorganization and of architecture and office layouts on communication. Many of these ideas have beensuccessfully incorporated by architects and managers in the design of new R & D facilities andcomplexes.Thomas J. Allen is Professor of Organizational Psychology and Management at MIT's SloanSchool of Management. |