Avatars of the Phoenix Lights UFO: Ishuwa and the YahyelFrom beyond Earth comes eternal wisdom that is shared by the pilots of the Phoenix Lights. "Discover who we really are." This book documents 12 one-hour conversations that took place between a terrestrial human from Earth, (Jefferson), and an extraterrestrial human named Ishuwa, (who is channeled by Shaun). Ishuwa describes his civilization, experiences they have had with other ET civilizations, and the family relationship they have with our society. He talks briefly about the "Phoenix Lights" sighting of his spacecraft that is over a mile wide. "Hello, my name is Ishuwa. The civilization that I come from is called the Yahyel. We are genetic descendants of your world, and we are part of your galactic family. On March 13, 1997, we made visual contact with thousands of people on Earth in what is known as the "Phoenix Lights" UFO sighting. ETs from several planets were in our spacecraft with us as we flew over the State of Arizona in America. We have been invited by your world's collective consciousness to be one of the first of your galactic family to return and have open peaceful contact with you face to face and heart to heart! We are returning now to share with you your true history and the expansive knowledge of where you come from, how you got here, and who you really are." The Yahyel have flown over other cities around the world. They have a variety of spacecrafts. Perhaps you have seen them over your city or will see them soon. The Yahyel live on a beautiful planet. They live in harmony with their planet and all forms of life on it. They live in harmony with each other. They deeply appreciate us and our world. They know we made it possible for them to be born in the amazing and fascinating Universe they live in now. In a sense, they are bringing timeless knowledge from outer-space that helps us understand how to fully enjoy our living-space and our heart's inner-space. They remind us how to once again live in harmony with Earth and with each other, and they help us remember that we truly are magnificent and loving beings. The ET & T conversations in this book reveal details about the nature of life that will allow you to more effortlessly access your wisdom and playful inner heart and thus be ready to more fully enjoy the multitude of fascinating events that are beginning to unfold on Earth! |